Following the completion of our music video, website and album cover i have decided a few people from our potential target audeience what they think. I've handed out questionairres to 25 girls aged 12 to 17 to get some feedback on our media products.
Norah Lane – One of the boys
1. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you think that our music video compares to other Tween pop music videos? 1 being completely unlike tween pop music videos and 10 being very similar to tween pop music videos.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. How do you think that Norah Lane compares to other Tween pop artists like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
3. Do you think that the storyline works well with the song?
Yes No
4. Do you feel like you can relate to the story in the storyline in some way?
Yes No
5. Do you think that the transformation was as good as the transformation in Taylor Swift’s video for you belong with me?
Yes No
If you answered no, why?
6. Do you think that the actors we use are suitable for their parts in their music video?
Yes No
If you answered no which of the characters do you think aren’t suitable for their part?
7. On a scale from 1to 10 how well do you think Norah Lane is represented in the music video?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
9. Any Improvements that you think we need to make?
Norah Lane’s Website
1. On a scale from 1 to 10 comparing it to similar Tween Pop artist websites, how much do you think that Norah’s website looks realistic?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Do you like the nautical theme for the website?
Yes No
3. Do you think that the nautical theme suits Norah’s personality from her music video?
Yes No
4. Do you think that the website is easy to understand and to navigate around?
Yes No
5. Did you find that there would be enough information about the artist for the fans looking at the hyperlinks and features available?
Yes No
If you answered no any suggestions?
6. Do you think that you would want to become a member of NorahStyle?
Yes No
7. Do you think that the image we have used is appropriate for the website?
Yes No
8. Would this website appeal to you?
Yes No
9. Are there any improvements that you think we could make?
Norah Lane’s Album Cover
1. On a scale from 1 to 10 how much do you think Norah Lane’s album compares to other tween pop artists?
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
2. Do you think that it was a good idea that we used the same theme for both the Album cover and the website?
Yes No
3. Do you think that having Norah Lane wearing the same clothes on her album as she does on her website is a good addition?
Yes No
4. Do you think that the image for the back of the album goes well with the nautical theme?
Yes No
5. Looking at the presentation of the album would you buy it if you saw it in stores?
Yes No
6. Is the title of the album suitable?
Yes No
7. Looking at the song titles do they look like songs you would see on a tween pop album?
Yes No
8. Any improvements that we think that we could make?
9. Looking at Norah Lane’s music video, website and album cover do you think that Norah Lane is well represented through the themes, images, behaviors and personality?
Yes No
10. Is Norah Lane a tween pop artist that you would chose to follow?
Yes No
Why is this?
Looking at the results our target audience thought that our music video looked more or less like other Tween pop music videos, with most people scoring it between 7 and 8. However people were still giving our video low scores meaning that it would need quite a bit of improvement. Another important result was that most of our target audience thought that Norah lane compares to other Tween pop stars like Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift with nearly half of them scoring 9 and 10. This means that we were successful with how she was represented using the correct clothes and emotions, however, two people were negative about comparing Norah Lane to other these Tween pop artists. Everybody I asked believed that the storyline fits the music video but one of the vital conventions was that our audience would be able to relate to the story line in some way. When I asked whether my potential target audience would be able to relate to the story in our music video 14 out 25 said yes they could. However, when I asked whether the transformation in our music video is as good as the transformation in Taylor Swift’s video 16 out of the 25 people I asked said no. When I asked why this was most people said that there was more of a change in how Taylor Swift looks in her music video compared to Norah Lane. Other people said Taylor Swift’s video makes it look more professional and some said that it looked better because she turned up at prom. So to improve on our music video we would have to make the transformation scene more effective and professional looking by making more of a difference to how Norah Lane looks. On the other hand 20 out of 25 of the people that we asked thought that the actors were suitable for their parts. Out of the other five people that said the actors weren’t suitable for their parts, four believed that ‘Kurt’ wasn’t good looking enough as Norah’s love interest and one thought that we could have used somebody else as Norah who looked more like a ‘tomboy’. In response to whether Norah is represented well in our music video, 14 out of 25 people marked 8, 9 or 10 with nobody scoring it below a 6. This is showing that Norah Lane would be suitable as a Tween pop artist being a good example to young girls. When I asked whether we need to make improvements on our music video 13 out of 25 girls couldn’t come up with anything that we could improve. However, those who did comment on the fact that we’d need to make a bigger difference in the transformation, making her look more like a tomboy and then when she looks ladylike it will have more of an impact. Other improvements included having a different actor for her love interest and making it look more as if it was filmed in an American school. Looking at the results most people think that Norah’s website is realistic comparing it with other Tween pop artists as only 4 people have scored it below a 7. This could be because we have chosen a nautical theme as 22 out of 25 people said yes they like the theme chosen for the website. The majority of the girls that I asked also believed that the nautical theme also suits Norah’s personality from her music video with 20 out of 15 saying yes. Although when I asked if they thought the website is easy to understand and navigate around only 14 out of 25 said that it was, meaning that quite a few people thought that it wasn’t very clear. When I asked the girls if they thought there was enough information available for fans looking at the features available on the website 22 out of 25 said yes that there was. Those who said no thought that there wasn’t enough information on Norah Lane just looking at the homepage. Alternatively there is NorahStyle on the homepage for the bigger fans to become members to get exclusive information about Norah and 19 out of the 25 girls said that they would like to become a member themselves. More importantly 17 out of 25 girls thought that the image isn’t appropriate for the website as she is winking at the camera which may look slightly promiscuous to young girls and parents. So although we used this after looking at Katy Perry’s website it may be something we need to change. However a good outcome was that 20 out of 25 girls said that they thought the website would appeal to them and only five of the girls mentioned that we needed to make improvements. The only improvements that they believe we need to make are to change the image to something more suitable and to make the text a bit clearer. Comparing our Album cover to other Tween pop artists people generally scored high with none of the girls scoring below 5 and most people scoring 8 to 10, suggesting that it looks professional. The girls also thought it was a good idea that we used the same theme for our website and album cover as 24 out of 25 said yes. Having Norah Lane dressed in the same clothes as her website on her album was successful as 24 out of the 25 girls thought that it was a good addition, as well as 23 girls believed that the image used for the back of the album cover works well with the nautical theme. The girls seemed to like the presentation on the album cover as 18 out of 25 said that they would even buy it if they saw it in stores. All 25 of the girls thought that the album title is suitable and 23 out of the 25 girls thought that the songs on the album looked like those you would see on a typical Tween pop artist’s album. Only two of the girls could come up with improvements for the album cover and this was that they noticed there wasn’t any small print on the bottom of the back cover as there is on other albums. On the whole people thought that the way we have given Norah Lane a good representation with only 7 people thinking other. People may not believe that she has been given a good representation due to the image used on her website as a lot of people seemed to object to it. However, overall Norah Lane would be a suitable icon for young girls as a Tween pop artist. 20 out 25 of the girls like Norah Lane as an artist and said that they would chose to follow her. Reasons that they gave for this were mainly that she sings the genre of music that they prefer or that Norah looks like your typical Tween pop artists. Other reasons included that they like the album and that the song titles looked like something that they’d want to listen to. A lot of people also said that they like the music video and it is something that would interest them. However those who answered no generally thought that Norah isn’t as good as other Tween pop artists out there and the music video didn’t measure up to the love story used in Taylor Swift’s you belong with me, which is a hard thing to do when it has won so many awards. All in all I think that our potential target audience have a mixture of feelings about our media products but the majority of people tend to like our music video and the artist that we have created. A lot of people are enthusiastic about our album cover and our website but our downfall was the image used for the webpage which the girls didn’t seem to like.
Tuesday, 4 May 2010
Norah Lane's Website
Whilst Holly carries out research and created an album cover I am creating a webpage for Norah Lane.
To get ideas for my Norah Lane's website i looked at other tween pop artist's websites to see the typical conventions.
Taylor Swift’s website has a sophisticated theme following the awards she has won recently, which include a few Grammys. The colour scheme goes well with the theme as red and gold with a silver background to blend in. There is an image of her performing at the awards on the left hand side and below it a news box which you can flick through a blog that she has wrote to fans. However, this often changes and can sometimes be a music video, video blogs or just other images. From the short blog that she has added on the front page you can see that she is addressing a younger audience as she is using a simple language with a friendly tone. On the right she uses changing images of herself in a red dress similar to the one that she has worn to awards ceremonies to continue the theme. Each image is a mid-shot, which is similar to the shots that she uses in her music videos, although unlike her music videos she doesn’t stand out from the background as much. It is odd that in this image she isn’t looking directly at the audience to make the audience feel like the website is aimed personally to them, although this could be because she doesn’t need to if she has devoted fans already. The images of her looking elegant and showing her success are a good influence to her younger audience; however, on first impressions of the webpage you might not believe that she is targeting “tweenagers”.
The main title on the page is the Taylor Swift signature which has become her logo as the signature is recognisable on her merchandise, singles and albums. Corresponding with the main title there are four icons above her image which are pages created for her possibly younger, dedicated fans. The first icon “Taylor Nation” invites the fans to create their own profiles and websites that look like hers. “Taylor Connect” is Taylors very own social network where there is access to forums where you can talk to other fans, the latest music, videos and her other social networks like twitter and bebo. “Taylor TV” is where people can see videos of her, music videos, playlists and can also create their own fan channel and on “Taylor jpg” fans can uploads their pictures for Taylor to see. For all of this you have to be a member and in one way it’s saying to her fans be like me as they can have their own webpage and TV channel like she does. By having all of these features she is keeping her fan base interested because if they have all the latest information and songs to hand they are less likely to move on to something new.
On the other hand you don’t have to become a member to keep up to date with Taylor Swift as on the top there are pages to news, about her, pictures, videos, tour dates, merchandise and so on, although this is all in black clearly standing out away from her personal pages. Pages like store are exclusive as merchandise can only be brought on tours and on her website. However, even though you can get the latest information on Taylor just by going on her website there is still an icon encouraging her fans to sign up to newsletters and fan forums, constantly pushing and influencing the fans making Taylor Swift a brand as well as an artist.
An important piece of information on the page is near the bottom which in a way shows her target audience. There is a link to a page on privacy policy which is vital to parents as it says that the site isn’t for under 13’s but may be attractive to them, therefore all users are personally unidentifiable, protecting the younger fans. They also suggest that the parents spend time with the children on the page to check that they are ok to use it. All of this suggests that she is targeting a younger audience from under 13’s to teenagers and not really for adults.
Near the bottom of the page there is a white bar which has the latest news on Taylor moving across the screen, so if people want to quickly read up on what she is doing that can flick on to the page and read the news bar without having to navigate away from the home screen. As well as latest news on the white bar there are sometimes Twitter or Facebook updates on encouraging fans to add her. So in conclusion the website is there to persuade the fans to sign up to her site, the forums and for newsletters so that they can hear about Taylor through video blogs, social network posts, images and so on. Therefore By keeping her fans in the know she can keep them interested or even attempt to expand her fan base.
Katy Perry’s website follows her album one of the boys and revolves around the promotion of the album. Unlike Taylor Swift, Katy Perry uses a promiscuous, 1950s style theme with a candy pink and blue colour scheme. Her music targets Tweenagers and young adults, so an image of katy wearing 1950s style lingerie that is quite revealing isn’t suitable for the younger audience. However, this could show that even though Katy Perry and Taylor Swift make the same genre of music, Taylor targets a slightly younger audience than Katy. As Taylor Swift does, Katy uses a Katy Perry signature which has become her logo/tag; this is the main title of the page and is seen on all of her merchandise. Underneath the title are the hyperlinks with the text in the same style as her logo, all of the hyperlinks are on a banner and are easily accessible. The language that she uses is simple so that fans of all age are able to understand.
There is a blue bar at the top of the page which unlike Taylor Swift, there is a number for fans to call and get updates on what Katy Perry is doing. This could be the reason why there is little information on her webpage as it forces fans to pay the charges to call the number. Also on the bar is a media player where you can hear some of the songs of her album which is there to encourage the fans to download her songs, buy the single or buy the album if they like it.
The image that Katy uses is a long mid-shot of her looking directly at her audience and is showing a lot more flesh than Taylor Swift, a reason for this could be that she could be trying to move away from the younger audience that she currently targets. The image blends into the background and fits the colour scheme and theme of the Album which is similar to Taylor Swift’s image.
The information on the right hand side of Katy’s webpage is well laid out and sectioned off into coloured boxes. In the pale blue boxes there are previews of what will be on the hyperlinked pages, like the latest news pictures and so on. Some of the boxes like dear diary, are blank showing that she hasn’t cared to update them recently or that she isn’t doing that much. She uses the pink boxes on the far right for promotion, using image of an item from the online store, an image of her album, ringtones and even information on her street team who promote her. Fans can also sign up to the message boards and mailing lists for extra information. This shows that the website is wholly for promoting herself, her music and her merchandise as there is less inside information about her for the fans which Taylor Swift uses. This shows that Katy Perry has become a brand and that her website is used purely for advertising this.
Another indication that Katy Perry has a slightly older audience than Taylor Swift is that she doesn’t have exclusive sites like personal social networking which the fans need a membership to join and can chat with other fans. Only younger audiences would be interested in being able to use exclusive sites, these would also need to be heavily protected which demonstrates that by Katy not using this she has a slightly older audience.
Both Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are constantly changing the theme of their websites to keep the fans engaged, for example Katy Perry soon has a new album coming out so her new website has been created to advertise this to the fans.
Miley Cyrus’ website is slightly different to the others that I have previously analysed. As you first enter the page you hear the first track of Miley Cyrus’ album, you can hear clip of each of the songs on the album. She uses a white, brown, burgundy and purple colour scheme which is quite a contrast of colours but suit Miley Cyrus’ loud personality.The main title on the webpage ‘Miley Cyrus’ isn’t in the same font that she uses for her logo that is used on her merchandise, as the others do. She also doesn’t use a mid-shot of herself as the main attraction on her webpage instead there in an image of her face used as a border for her webpage. However, a good thing about this is that where the other two artists have a large image of themselves on their homepage, Miley uses the space to update her fans with what she’s been doing recently. Miley has exclusive clips from her latest film and information on awards ceremonies she’s been, meaning that she is still able to promote herself but at the same time giving more to her fans. There are hyperlinks surrounding the updates which are similar to the hyperlinks used on the other Tween pop artist pages. These are home, photos, shop, events, miblog, charity and be a star. Standing out from the other hyperlinked pages is ‘newsletter signup’ where Miley’s fans can receive her latest news via email. Similar to Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus has a preview of what is on the hyperlinked pages on the right-hand side.
Miley Cyrus was the first to have a fan club which is called ‘MileyWorld’ which you can see on the top left hand side of the page. Fans have to buy a membership where they are given a username and can interact with other fans and upload their own videos, images and have their own blogs. They also have access to Miley Cyrus’ images, videos and even concert tickets before anybody else does. They can even write to Miley herself and have their own websites, which are all protected as they can have a family account. Full members get an exclusive Miley DVD, a personalised letter from Miley and member card, photos and much more. However, this costs $29.95 for a full membership meaning that the fans have to pay for this exclusive service, which again makes the artist seem more like a brand. At the middle of the page you can see that
Although without her fans having to pay for a membership to Miley world, Miley Cyrus has enough gossip and information on her website. On the right-hand side you can see that she has activities like the poll asking which movie her fans think is the best of 2009, this is so that the creators of the movie can see how successful it was with Miley Cyrus’ target audience. On her website to show Miley’s fans that she cares about global issues she the face of the charity ‘get your good’ on which is a project she is doing with Youth Service America. Get you good on is an online community supporting youth to do help in their own communities by doing them thing like offering them grants or giving them incentives and so on. Again her fans are able to follow this on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube showing the computer literate audience she has.
Alike the other two stars Miley also seems to be just like a brand. A lot of her page evolves around advertising even if it is for good causes like charity. To get the full experience fans need to pay for a membership to Mileyworld. As well as MileyWorld there are the options of buying her merchandise, concert tickets and albums. So with Tween pop artists their websites are generally used to advertise themselves through their merchandise, charities or even social networking sites.
Now that i know the typical conventions on Tween pop artist's webpages i want to look at what my potential target audience would like to see on Norah Lane's website. So i showed 20 girls examples of websites and asked them 7 simple questions on what features they liked the most.
1. Out of the three websites which do you prefer?
Taylor Swift
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus
Why did you choose this website?
2. Do you like the idea that the artists have a fan club where you become a member like Mileyworld and TaylorNation?
Yes No
3. Which theme do you think would be best for my website?
USA theme
Nautical (sailor) theme
Football theme
Schoolgirl theme
4. Do you think that it is important that there is a lot of information on the homepage?
Some information but not too much
5. Do you prefer just the song on the homepage or a music video?
Music video
6. Which font do you prefer for my website? (unfortunately you can’t see the choice fonts on blogger)
Blackadder ITC
Kristen ITC
Comic Sans MS
7. Do you think that I should have a large image of Norah Lane on the homepage or does it not matter to you?
Large image of Norah Lane
Doesn’t matter to me
From the choice of websites the most popular was Taylor Swifts with very few people preferring Katy Perry’s website. Reasons they gave we’re generally because they preferred the artist or because they liked the images. A lot of people liked Miley Cyrus’ website especially because there was a lot of information on the homepage and videos that you wouldn’t often get to see. Another thing that they liked about the websites is that Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift have fan clubs as 18 out of 20 of the girls said yes they think it is a good idea.
The theme that I be will using is the nautical theme as it was by far my audiences favourite out of the four with none of the girls I asked voting for the football theme. The girls believe that I should have some information but not too much on my homepage as 12 out of the 20 said that I should. 14 out of 20 also believe that I should use a music player rather than a video player, suggesting that they don’t like the website to be too busy but have everything they need on there.
When I asked which font they preferred 12 out of 20 said they preferred Blackadder ITC, this is good because it will go well with the nautical theme. I think this may have been the most popular as it’s very similar to the font that each of the other Tween pop stars use. 18 out of 20 of the girls also believed that I should have a large image on the homepage, so it is very important that I include this.
After looking at other artist's webpages and hearing from my target audience i have decided to have a bried look into some webpage designers.
Ten Minute media was Founded by Brendan Ciecko in 2003 and has become one of the leading design, marketing, and branding company. They are a website design company who say that they ‘thrive on creativity’ and that they ‘bring you the next level’ with their ‘effective and cutting edge ideas and effective services’.
Their clients include artists under big record companies like Capitol records, Atlantic, EMI, Warner bros, virgin and many more. Ten minute media have created numerous websites for a similar Tween pop artist Katy Perry. Other big artists include Mick Jagger, The Enemy, lenny kravitz, new kids on the block, which you can see it a wide range of artists and genres.
Halo media claim that they are a are digital agency that specialize in websites that communicate and engage. Projects that they do include website design, website development, branding and logos, mobile applications and much more. Their clients include def jam recording, island records, universal motown, Sony pictures classic and many more. Their artist that they have more recently created a webpage for is Justin Bieber a big Tween pop artist and hearthrob for young girls.
Having found out what my potential target audience like the most in a webpage, looking at webpage designers and websites that they have designed, i can now design my webpage following the typical conventions of tween pop artists.
As you can see I have chosen the nautical theme from my questionnaire and a mid-shot as Norah Lane as the largest feature on my page. The hyperlinks are at the top of my page like you see on each of the websites i have analysed, similar to Taylor Swift I also have a news box with a small blog informing her fans what she has done. Other special features on there i have are a music player and NorahStyle. NorahStyle is Norah's fan club where her fans would be able to become and member and find all her latest news before everybody else, aswell as having the fans being able to have their own social networking pages. As well as the fans being able to have their own social networking pages on NorahStyle they can still add Norah on twitter and Facebook. As you can see I have also advertised Norah Lane's album Voyage Of A Lifetime.
I presented this to a group of girls aged between 13 and 15 to see what they thought. They said that it was quite plain compared to the other tween pop artists site and doesn't match the theme very well.
So following this i have re-designed my webpage and this time i have decided to carry on with my nautical theme but have adapted it to make it suit Norah's image. I have used the blackadder ITC font as my audeince chose for Norah Lane's main title/logo and carried on using this font throughout my website. Although i havent used the same font for the hyperlinked pages along the top so that they stand out more, which is what Taylor Swift does on her website. I have continued to use a mid-shot of Norah as the largest feature on the page. However i have moved a lot of the features over to make them more clear. Before i found that the image of the album cover clashed with the background,, so there is a divide on my page where i now have NorahStyle, links to Norah's social networking sites and the album cover. I have also moved the music player to the left-hand side to fill the space that was there before. Finally to match the nautical theme i will add an image of an anchor to go underneath the text in the 'stories' box.
I have now began the construction of my webpage and tool images of Norah Lane and tried to select one, which as you can see i have chosen to go with the last image of Norah. She looks slightly promiscuous but this is because i would like to follow the conventions of the image used in Katy Perry's webpage.
Here is my finished webpage and as you can see i have made more adjustments to my webpage as i felt that it still didnt fit the nautical theme. So i decided to add clipart images to the toolbar beneath my hyperlinked pages and a compass underneath Norah Lane. Now i believe that my website fits the conventions of other Tween pop websites.
To create my webpage i used Adobe Illustrator which i found simple to use as it is similar to photoshop and Adobe Indesign from last year. Therefore i have created a step by step guide of how i used Adobe illustrator to make my webpage.
To get ideas for my Norah Lane's website i looked at other tween pop artist's websites to see the typical conventions.
Taylor Swift’s website has a sophisticated theme following the awards she has won recently, which include a few Grammys. The colour scheme goes well with the theme as red and gold with a silver background to blend in. There is an image of her performing at the awards on the left hand side and below it a news box which you can flick through a blog that she has wrote to fans. However, this often changes and can sometimes be a music video, video blogs or just other images. From the short blog that she has added on the front page you can see that she is addressing a younger audience as she is using a simple language with a friendly tone. On the right she uses changing images of herself in a red dress similar to the one that she has worn to awards ceremonies to continue the theme. Each image is a mid-shot, which is similar to the shots that she uses in her music videos, although unlike her music videos she doesn’t stand out from the background as much. It is odd that in this image she isn’t looking directly at the audience to make the audience feel like the website is aimed personally to them, although this could be because she doesn’t need to if she has devoted fans already. The images of her looking elegant and showing her success are a good influence to her younger audience; however, on first impressions of the webpage you might not believe that she is targeting “tweenagers”.
The main title on the page is the Taylor Swift signature which has become her logo as the signature is recognisable on her merchandise, singles and albums. Corresponding with the main title there are four icons above her image which are pages created for her possibly younger, dedicated fans. The first icon “Taylor Nation” invites the fans to create their own profiles and websites that look like hers. “Taylor Connect” is Taylors very own social network where there is access to forums where you can talk to other fans, the latest music, videos and her other social networks like twitter and bebo. “Taylor TV” is where people can see videos of her, music videos, playlists and can also create their own fan channel and on “Taylor jpg” fans can uploads their pictures for Taylor to see. For all of this you have to be a member and in one way it’s saying to her fans be like me as they can have their own webpage and TV channel like she does. By having all of these features she is keeping her fan base interested because if they have all the latest information and songs to hand they are less likely to move on to something new.
On the other hand you don’t have to become a member to keep up to date with Taylor Swift as on the top there are pages to news, about her, pictures, videos, tour dates, merchandise and so on, although this is all in black clearly standing out away from her personal pages. Pages like store are exclusive as merchandise can only be brought on tours and on her website. However, even though you can get the latest information on Taylor just by going on her website there is still an icon encouraging her fans to sign up to newsletters and fan forums, constantly pushing and influencing the fans making Taylor Swift a brand as well as an artist.
An important piece of information on the page is near the bottom which in a way shows her target audience. There is a link to a page on privacy policy which is vital to parents as it says that the site isn’t for under 13’s but may be attractive to them, therefore all users are personally unidentifiable, protecting the younger fans. They also suggest that the parents spend time with the children on the page to check that they are ok to use it. All of this suggests that she is targeting a younger audience from under 13’s to teenagers and not really for adults.
Near the bottom of the page there is a white bar which has the latest news on Taylor moving across the screen, so if people want to quickly read up on what she is doing that can flick on to the page and read the news bar without having to navigate away from the home screen. As well as latest news on the white bar there are sometimes Twitter or Facebook updates on encouraging fans to add her. So in conclusion the website is there to persuade the fans to sign up to her site, the forums and for newsletters so that they can hear about Taylor through video blogs, social network posts, images and so on. Therefore By keeping her fans in the know she can keep them interested or even attempt to expand her fan base.
Katy Perry’s website follows her album one of the boys and revolves around the promotion of the album. Unlike Taylor Swift, Katy Perry uses a promiscuous, 1950s style theme with a candy pink and blue colour scheme. Her music targets Tweenagers and young adults, so an image of katy wearing 1950s style lingerie that is quite revealing isn’t suitable for the younger audience. However, this could show that even though Katy Perry and Taylor Swift make the same genre of music, Taylor targets a slightly younger audience than Katy. As Taylor Swift does, Katy uses a Katy Perry signature which has become her logo/tag; this is the main title of the page and is seen on all of her merchandise. Underneath the title are the hyperlinks with the text in the same style as her logo, all of the hyperlinks are on a banner and are easily accessible. The language that she uses is simple so that fans of all age are able to understand.
There is a blue bar at the top of the page which unlike Taylor Swift, there is a number for fans to call and get updates on what Katy Perry is doing. This could be the reason why there is little information on her webpage as it forces fans to pay the charges to call the number. Also on the bar is a media player where you can hear some of the songs of her album which is there to encourage the fans to download her songs, buy the single or buy the album if they like it.
The image that Katy uses is a long mid-shot of her looking directly at her audience and is showing a lot more flesh than Taylor Swift, a reason for this could be that she could be trying to move away from the younger audience that she currently targets. The image blends into the background and fits the colour scheme and theme of the Album which is similar to Taylor Swift’s image.
The information on the right hand side of Katy’s webpage is well laid out and sectioned off into coloured boxes. In the pale blue boxes there are previews of what will be on the hyperlinked pages, like the latest news pictures and so on. Some of the boxes like dear diary, are blank showing that she hasn’t cared to update them recently or that she isn’t doing that much. She uses the pink boxes on the far right for promotion, using image of an item from the online store, an image of her album, ringtones and even information on her street team who promote her. Fans can also sign up to the message boards and mailing lists for extra information. This shows that the website is wholly for promoting herself, her music and her merchandise as there is less inside information about her for the fans which Taylor Swift uses. This shows that Katy Perry has become a brand and that her website is used purely for advertising this.
Another indication that Katy Perry has a slightly older audience than Taylor Swift is that she doesn’t have exclusive sites like personal social networking which the fans need a membership to join and can chat with other fans. Only younger audiences would be interested in being able to use exclusive sites, these would also need to be heavily protected which demonstrates that by Katy not using this she has a slightly older audience.
Both Taylor Swift and Katy Perry are constantly changing the theme of their websites to keep the fans engaged, for example Katy Perry soon has a new album coming out so her new website has been created to advertise this to the fans.
Miley Cyrus’ website is slightly different to the others that I have previously analysed. As you first enter the page you hear the first track of Miley Cyrus’ album, you can hear clip of each of the songs on the album. She uses a white, brown, burgundy and purple colour scheme which is quite a contrast of colours but suit Miley Cyrus’ loud personality.The main title on the webpage ‘Miley Cyrus’ isn’t in the same font that she uses for her logo that is used on her merchandise, as the others do. She also doesn’t use a mid-shot of herself as the main attraction on her webpage instead there in an image of her face used as a border for her webpage. However, a good thing about this is that where the other two artists have a large image of themselves on their homepage, Miley uses the space to update her fans with what she’s been doing recently. Miley has exclusive clips from her latest film and information on awards ceremonies she’s been, meaning that she is still able to promote herself but at the same time giving more to her fans. There are hyperlinks surrounding the updates which are similar to the hyperlinks used on the other Tween pop artist pages. These are home, photos, shop, events, miblog, charity and be a star. Standing out from the other hyperlinked pages is ‘newsletter signup’ where Miley’s fans can receive her latest news via email. Similar to Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus has a preview of what is on the hyperlinked pages on the right-hand side.
Miley Cyrus was the first to have a fan club which is called ‘MileyWorld’ which you can see on the top left hand side of the page. Fans have to buy a membership where they are given a username and can interact with other fans and upload their own videos, images and have their own blogs. They also have access to Miley Cyrus’ images, videos and even concert tickets before anybody else does. They can even write to Miley herself and have their own websites, which are all protected as they can have a family account. Full members get an exclusive Miley DVD, a personalised letter from Miley and member card, photos and much more. However, this costs $29.95 for a full membership meaning that the fans have to pay for this exclusive service, which again makes the artist seem more like a brand. At the middle of the page you can see that
Although without her fans having to pay for a membership to Miley world, Miley Cyrus has enough gossip and information on her website. On the right-hand side you can see that she has activities like the poll asking which movie her fans think is the best of 2009, this is so that the creators of the movie can see how successful it was with Miley Cyrus’ target audience. On her website to show Miley’s fans that she cares about global issues she the face of the charity ‘get your good’ on which is a project she is doing with Youth Service America. Get you good on is an online community supporting youth to do help in their own communities by doing them thing like offering them grants or giving them incentives and so on. Again her fans are able to follow this on Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and YouTube showing the computer literate audience she has.
Alike the other two stars Miley also seems to be just like a brand. A lot of her page evolves around advertising even if it is for good causes like charity. To get the full experience fans need to pay for a membership to Mileyworld. As well as MileyWorld there are the options of buying her merchandise, concert tickets and albums. So with Tween pop artists their websites are generally used to advertise themselves through their merchandise, charities or even social networking sites.
Now that i know the typical conventions on Tween pop artist's webpages i want to look at what my potential target audience would like to see on Norah Lane's website. So i showed 20 girls examples of websites and asked them 7 simple questions on what features they liked the most.
1. Out of the three websites which do you prefer?
Taylor Swift
Katy Perry
Miley Cyrus
Why did you choose this website?
2. Do you like the idea that the artists have a fan club where you become a member like Mileyworld and TaylorNation?
Yes No
3. Which theme do you think would be best for my website?
USA theme
Nautical (sailor) theme
Football theme
Schoolgirl theme
4. Do you think that it is important that there is a lot of information on the homepage?
Some information but not too much
5. Do you prefer just the song on the homepage or a music video?
Music video
6. Which font do you prefer for my website? (unfortunately you can’t see the choice fonts on blogger)
Blackadder ITC
Kristen ITC
Comic Sans MS
7. Do you think that I should have a large image of Norah Lane on the homepage or does it not matter to you?
Large image of Norah Lane
Doesn’t matter to me
From the choice of websites the most popular was Taylor Swifts with very few people preferring Katy Perry’s website. Reasons they gave we’re generally because they preferred the artist or because they liked the images. A lot of people liked Miley Cyrus’ website especially because there was a lot of information on the homepage and videos that you wouldn’t often get to see. Another thing that they liked about the websites is that Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift have fan clubs as 18 out of 20 of the girls said yes they think it is a good idea.
The theme that I be will using is the nautical theme as it was by far my audiences favourite out of the four with none of the girls I asked voting for the football theme. The girls believe that I should have some information but not too much on my homepage as 12 out of the 20 said that I should. 14 out of 20 also believe that I should use a music player rather than a video player, suggesting that they don’t like the website to be too busy but have everything they need on there.
When I asked which font they preferred 12 out of 20 said they preferred Blackadder ITC, this is good because it will go well with the nautical theme. I think this may have been the most popular as it’s very similar to the font that each of the other Tween pop stars use. 18 out of 20 of the girls also believed that I should have a large image on the homepage, so it is very important that I include this.
After looking at other artist's webpages and hearing from my target audience i have decided to have a bried look into some webpage designers.
Ten Minute media was Founded by Brendan Ciecko in 2003 and has become one of the leading design, marketing, and branding company. They are a website design company who say that they ‘thrive on creativity’ and that they ‘bring you the next level’ with their ‘effective and cutting edge ideas and effective services’.
Their clients include artists under big record companies like Capitol records, Atlantic, EMI, Warner bros, virgin and many more. Ten minute media have created numerous websites for a similar Tween pop artist Katy Perry. Other big artists include Mick Jagger, The Enemy, lenny kravitz, new kids on the block, which you can see it a wide range of artists and genres.
Halo media claim that they are a are digital agency that specialize in websites that communicate and engage. Projects that they do include website design, website development, branding and logos, mobile applications and much more. Their clients include def jam recording, island records, universal motown, Sony pictures classic and many more. Their artist that they have more recently created a webpage for is Justin Bieber a big Tween pop artist and hearthrob for young girls.
Having found out what my potential target audience like the most in a webpage, looking at webpage designers and websites that they have designed, i can now design my webpage following the typical conventions of tween pop artists.
As you can see I have chosen the nautical theme from my questionnaire and a mid-shot as Norah Lane as the largest feature on my page. The hyperlinks are at the top of my page like you see on each of the websites i have analysed, similar to Taylor Swift I also have a news box with a small blog informing her fans what she has done. Other special features on there i have are a music player and NorahStyle. NorahStyle is Norah's fan club where her fans would be able to become and member and find all her latest news before everybody else, aswell as having the fans being able to have their own social networking pages. As well as the fans being able to have their own social networking pages on NorahStyle they can still add Norah on twitter and Facebook. As you can see I have also advertised Norah Lane's album Voyage Of A Lifetime.
I presented this to a group of girls aged between 13 and 15 to see what they thought. They said that it was quite plain compared to the other tween pop artists site and doesn't match the theme very well.
So following this i have re-designed my webpage and this time i have decided to carry on with my nautical theme but have adapted it to make it suit Norah's image. I have used the blackadder ITC font as my audeince chose for Norah Lane's main title/logo and carried on using this font throughout my website. Although i havent used the same font for the hyperlinked pages along the top so that they stand out more, which is what Taylor Swift does on her website. I have continued to use a mid-shot of Norah as the largest feature on the page. However i have moved a lot of the features over to make them more clear. Before i found that the image of the album cover clashed with the background,, so there is a divide on my page where i now have NorahStyle, links to Norah's social networking sites and the album cover. I have also moved the music player to the left-hand side to fill the space that was there before. Finally to match the nautical theme i will add an image of an anchor to go underneath the text in the 'stories' box.
I have now began the construction of my webpage and tool images of Norah Lane and tried to select one, which as you can see i have chosen to go with the last image of Norah. She looks slightly promiscuous but this is because i would like to follow the conventions of the image used in Katy Perry's webpage.
Here is my finished webpage and as you can see i have made more adjustments to my webpage as i felt that it still didnt fit the nautical theme. So i decided to add clipart images to the toolbar beneath my hyperlinked pages and a compass underneath Norah Lane. Now i believe that my website fits the conventions of other Tween pop websites.
To create my webpage i used Adobe Illustrator which i found simple to use as it is similar to photoshop and Adobe Indesign from last year. Therefore i have created a step by step guide of how i used Adobe illustrator to make my webpage.
Now i know what to use in the music video i can start on the production on my music video.
The cameras that we used were Sony HD ready cameras which made our music video look in good quality. When it came to editing we had to use Adobe Premiere Pro as it was the only software that we had access to. Adobe premiere pro is non linear editing software which low end professionals use.
I found that when it came to editing i had no major problems with using the software. The only problems that we came across were that we had more filming than we had planned to fit the song. Therefore we asked a few girls from our potential target audience what we could do to improve the film before finishing it. They suggested that we deleted the scene where Norah dreams that Kurt is proposing to her, as they thought that this scene was cheesy and unneccessary.
We also found that it was hard to get the lip syncing to match up with the song as it is very fiddeley, but eventually we were able to match it up word for word.
So all in all i found Adobe Premiere Pro a simple way to edit my music video especially how you can add effects easily.
Here i have devised a step by step way of how i went through the process of editing my music video.
Monday, 9 November 2009
I decided that i would complete my coursework with another member of my class, Holly Park-Davies and make sure that we equally share the work load to create a music video. First of all we had to decide which genre of music to choose, we looked at which songs we would like to use and how we would go about making a video them. We came to the conclusion that we would create a Tween pop music video.
Tween pop is a subgenre created and marketed towards teenagers and preadolescents covering a mixture of genres. The first tween pop groups started in the late 80's early 90's with bands like new kids on the block, take that and the spice girls. In 1999 we saw teenagers like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson and Avril Lavigne emerge and become branded 'pop lolita's'. However, it hasn't been until recently that the disney channel's influence has made Tween pop bigger than ever with young girls. Starting with the stars from the disney channels' high school musical and programmes like Hannah Montanna they have created stars like Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, selena gomez and the jonas brothers. This has created a huge market with numerous artists now targeting the tween pop culture.
Miley Cyrus- 7 Things I hate about you
In this video they are concentrating more on exploiting the artist and target audience, where as in the last video it is purely to show the story behind the song. Although both songs are about boys but this video and song are in a different context. In the first video she is singing about a boy that she loves but they can’t be together where as in this video the artist and other characters in the video are heartbroken, this is similar to Kelly Clarkson’s video. The artists in both videos contrast each other showing that they have different personalities as Taylor swift is shown as the sweet innocent character in her story and Miley Cyrus is represented as a fiery individual, acting rebellious. Miley Cyrus and the other characters in the video all wear odd combinations of clothing giving a statement to their audience that they are individual, the fans could be influenced by this so they need to be careful how they are represented in the video. So even though both artists are targeting the same audience they give a different outlook.
On the other hand Miley Cyrus gives a similar impression to Kelly Clarkson in the third video both showing an attitude and using a fast paced cutting rate. However in Miley Cyrus’ video the cutting rate is more with the pace of the song than in Kelly Clarkson’s video. Both Miley Cyrus and Kelly Clarkson use others lip syncing in their videos. Unlike Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cyrus represents her target audience in her video, identifying her as one of them meaning that they can relate to the artist, song and video.
Alike Taylor Swift’s video mid-shots and close ups are used most in this video to display emotion on the artists and characters faces and the body language that they use. By the artist constantly looking directly into the camera she is communicating with her audience which is vital in a music video as they need to grab their attention immediately making it feel personal to the viewer. I have identified that all of the videos we have analysed mainly use mid-shots and close ups so it is important that we use them when making our music video.
Long shots are used when showing her band and others in her video, showing everybody involved. It also shows Miley Cyrus with all of the girls proving to the fans that she is just like anybody in the target audience and is friendly towards fans. The way that the band is always in the background establishes that she is the lead singer as well as trying to promote her band by putting them in the background at all times.
The setting is a plain grey artificial set; this is used to throw the attention onto the characters and display the emotions on the characters faces. Using a dull, grey set makes it look emotionless and depressing representing her heartbreak. In the Taylor Swift’s video they use a lot of blue colours which are also seen as sad, depressing colours, so there is a pattern there that we need to highlight in our video. The grey setting also makes the characters and the bright clothes stand out so that they can make more of a statement. You can see that they have used high key lighting here creating shadows which generates movement. The brightness of the lighting changes throughout the video, it gradually gets brighter as the song goes on to sound a more upbeat and becomes brightest when she announces that she loves the boy. This shows a similarity to Taylor Swifts as she is glowing at the end of her video when she gets the boy that she wanted. Both videos have a happier outcome and you can see this as the pace of each of them slow down and become much calmer.
After looking at other videos i decided to carry out my own research by holding a focus group with 3 girls from the potential target audience.
Olivia aged 13,
Emily aged 16,
Kelly aged 16.
Whose preferred genre is Tween pop music.
Watch these two Tween pop music videos.
Taylor Swift - You belong with me
Miley Cyrus - 7 things I hate about you
Out of the two videos which do you prefer?
Olivia: Taylor Swift – you belong with me.
Emily: Taylor Swift – you belong with me.
Kelly: Miley Cyrus – 7 things I hate about you.
What do you like about this video?
Olivia: It’s a love story where Taylor gets the boy in the end. It’s like a short version of most of the films I watch where the geeky girl fancies the most popular boy in school and a jock but thinks she’ll never get him because he has a girlfriend who’s a cheerleader and is the most popular girl in school and thinks she can never get him. Then there is a happy ending where she changes and turns up looking pretty and shocks everyone, she finds out he really likes her and they end up together. So I love it. Oh and Taylor swift looks funny as a geek.
Emily: Yes I like that it’s telling a story too and how it’s set in an American high school. Also the boy in it is called Lucas Till and plays Miley Cyrus’ boyfriend in the Hannah Montanna movie and he’s really good looking. I love Taylor swift too and when she turns up at prom completely different.
Kelly: I prefer Miley Cyrus’ video because I like the song better and I like Miley Cyrus more anyway. The best thing about the video is that when the song gets faster Miley and all the others go mad singing at their boyfriends or probably ex-boyfriends.
What is it that makes you like the other video the least?
Olivia: I like Miley Cyrus and the song but the video’s boring it’s just a group of girls in a room singing and crying.
Emily: I think the same, I like the song but the video isn’t much to watch bits of it looks quite depressing. Taylor’s video is something different whereas loads of artists have music videos like Miley Cyrus’.
Kelly: I actually don’t know why I like it the least. It’s probably because I prefer Miley Cyrus’ music to Taylor Swifts, so I can’t really think of any other reasons why else I like it the least
How do you think the artists are represented (how they look) in the videos?
Olivia: Well Taylor Swift is meant to be a geek but she doesn’t actually seem like one she’s just wearing glasses.
Kelly: Yes you see where she’s dancing round her room; I do that all the time.
Olivia: Ha and me
Emily: Yes and me. She doesn’t look much like a geek she just looks fun and friendly making the popular girl look like a snob.
Olivia: Yes and when she turns up at prom in that lovely dress and it just makes her look even better.
Kelly: What we’re saying is if the video is meant to make her look like a reject it doesn’t it just makes her look better.
Emily: Exactly and then Miley Cyrus looks depressed and upset so we all feel sorry for her.
Kelly: Yes she looks depressed and upset and then a bit mental when she’s jumping round with all the other girls.
Emily: She looks alright though because if we did that we’d all look stupid especially in what she’s wearing.
Kelly: I know yeah she always wears weird clothes.
Do you that think that both of the songs suit their videos?
Emily: Yes they do if you listen to the words in you belong with me they sing what the video is doing.
Olivia: Like when she walks in the room and it goes slower and gets faster when he sees her.
Kelly: I like that bit. Miley’s video suits hers too because in the chorus when it’s fast their all jumping around and then when it’s slow their all standing their singing upset.
Olivia: Yes and some of the girls have stuff from their boyfriends I think one has a teddy or something.
Does this video make you want to purchase the song?
Olivia: Yes I’ve got both of their albums.
Emily: Me too I think I got it just after this song and video came out.
Kelly: I’ve got Miley Cyrus’ album not Taylor swift. It’s not her videos that made me buy it anyway I just like her music
Where/how would you purchase this song?
Olivia: I got my album on it’s the cheapest but all the other songs I have I just download.
Emily: I downloaded the album off ITunes but I rarely ever buy music I normally listen to the videos on YouTube.
Kelly: I brought the album on but I don’t really buy music either i just listen to the songs on YouTube.
So from this feedback from the audience I have discovered that the most influential video that we could create would be a video with a love story as two of the three said that they purchased a song because of the video. We also give our artist a good representation as they picked up on the fact that although Taylor was supposed to be a 'geek' she was still portrayed as the better person. The video should be something that the audience can relate to as all three of the girls said that they could relate to parts of Taylor Swift's video. Having a love interest is also very important as the girls even recognized the boy in Taylor Swift's video from the Hannah Montanna movie.
Comparing my focus group with our questionairre I've done some research into our potential audeience.
The results in our questionnaire presented that our target audience mainly listen to teen pop through watching the music channels on the Television. Channels like starz TV, smash hits and the box and chart hits are the channels that play teen pop more than any of the other channels in England.
Starz TV formerly known as Fizz TV are owned by Mushroom TV ltd who also own channel aka. Starz TV plays a wide range of music but is one of the channels that play teen pop more frequently than others. Teen pop also gets a lot of coverage on ‘The Box’ which is one of the biggest music channels in the UK, half owned by channel 4 and the other half owned by Bauer Verlagsgruppe. Even though ‘The Box’ and Starz TV play a lot of teen pop, Smash hits generally play more teen pop as it is devoted to pop music. Smash hits is owned by Box television and comes from smash hits magazine. When we asked a sample of our target audience we found that Smash Hits was the music channel that they most listened to, and MTV wasn’t far behind.
MTV is a globalised music channel. Teen pop is extremely famous amongst young American girls so it gets regular coverage and there is high demand for teen pop artists like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, selena Gomez and so on. An artist similar to ours is Miley Cyrus who is often filming personal shows for MTV like Miley’s sweet sixteenth so our target audience will tune in to MTV. Another globalised channel that introduces teen pop stars is the Disney channel; they also produce videos for Miley Cyrus and other artists like Vanessa Hudgens. So we will also need to consider the type of audience watching the Disney Channel when making our video.
Our target audience also mentioned that they listen to teen pop on YouTube for free. The record companies, artists and producers are all happy with this because they get masses of people watching the video and are aware of the artists. With the divergence of technologies the videos aren’t only on the TV. Using an I phone, our audience are able to download videos on the go with iTunes and also watch them whenever they want on YouTube. They can also use the iPod touch to download the music and videos from their computer to watch whenever as well. So our audience always have access to the music they want to listen to and can listen to it whenever they want. Few people still buy CD’s of the artist’s as most of the music is exclusive, however some of the artists bring out albums out but little people buy CD’s because there are other free ways of listening to the music.
Whilst i conducted my focus group Holly was handing out a questionnaire to see what a large sampl of our target audience would want to see in a tween pop music video.
Following this i did some research into record producers of similar artists.
Founded by Scott Borchetta in September 2005, Independant Label Big Machine Records have a catalogue of country and western artists. In their first year they had a number one single, five places in the country 30, recieved a nomination for record label of the year and placed all three of the label's three new artist releases in the Top 10 Most-Played New Artists of 2006.
Even though Big Machine's artists specialise in the country and western genre their signature artist is Taylor Swift who is a Tween pop icon. Her album has one numerous awards including 2009’s highest-selling album of the year across all genres as well as spening more weeks at number one top the Billboard Top Album chart than any other album in the last 10 years. Her singles 'love story and 'You belong with me' became the first ever Country crossover single to hit #1 on the Billboard and USA Today Top 40 airplay charts.
Other than Taylor Swift their catalogue includes Reba McEntire, Jewel, Trisha Yearwood, Jack Ingram, Jimmy Wayne, Billboard’s “New Country Artist of 2009” Justin Moore, Steel Magnolia, The Band Perry, Fast Ryde and Sunny Sweeney collecting Big machine records 35 awards between them.
Recently in 2009 Big Machine partnered with Universal Republic to create Republic Nashville but still manage to be a small but powerful record company.
Hollywood Records was created in 1989 by the Walt Disney Company to develop new pop and rock artists and diversify its music group. Initially the label was distributed by Elektra Records in the USA and Canada which later changed to Distribution in North America switching to PolyGram in 1995 that has since been taken over by the Universal Music Group.
Their roster include artists like Duran Duran, Queen and Danzig. However, toady Hollywood records operates under the disney music group so their artists are mainly young stars and performers for the disney channel like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato. Their artist to sell most of the label was the tween pop star Hilary duff with 16.5 million and 5 million of her album metamorphosis.
Alternatively, in Europe and the UK Hollywood Records currently releases acts such as Jesse McCartney, Vanessa Hudgens, Corbin Bleu, Aly & AJ as well as soundtracks through EMI, but all other artists are distributed through Festival Mushroom Records & Warner Brothers Records.
For both of these record labels Tween pop artists have sold the most labels and albums, with Hollywood records now having more of the Tween pop artists than anybody else. This shows that it is becoming and increasingly popular genre of music.
Finally before i create my own music video i have done some research into other music video producing companies. It was hard to find information on music video producers so i had to resort to general music video producers.
Anonymous content is an industry leading music production and Management Company established in 1999. The owner is Steve Golin, with Shiera Rees-Davies executive producer and molly Bohas directors Rep. They have built relationships with talent, talent agencies, advertising agencies, broadcasters, international distributors being able to create projects like music videos, films, adverts and television shows. They have many talented and award winning Directors to produce their music videos:
Sean Donnelly
Andrew Douglas
David Kellogg
Daniel Levi
Phil Mucci
Jake Nava
Mark Romanek
Malcolm Venville
And the feature directors are:
Scott Coffey
David Fincher
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
John Hillcoat
Garth Jennings
Wong Kar-Wai
Guy Ritchie
David Slade
Gore Verbinski
These directors have worked with artists such as Beck, Beyonce, Coldplay, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Madonna, Pink, Prince, Red Hot Chilli peppers, REM, Rolling Stones, Shakira, and U2. Samples of music videos they have created are:
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Hump de bump
Lighthouse family – run
Plan B – no good
Beyonce – Single ladies
Nine Inch Nails – only
Muse – time is running out
Madonna – What it feels like for a girl
Beck – Hell yes
The company was founded by Grant Cihlar in 1989 in Hollywood, California as a music video production house and then grew into a creative boutique producing some highly customized products. As well as music video’s they’ve created adverts and other promotional materials, as well as being in the independent feature film and documentary markets. The have a domestic and international service being able to provide globally.
Grant Cihlar started as a guitarist himself as a guitarist for Tim Scott on Geffen records and managed a lot of bands himself across the world producing music videos. This was where he met his wife with a design background and an eye for detail playing an important part in the business to make sure 1171 can keep their cutting edge content in music videos, adverts, film and television.
Their directors include
In America:
Paul Andersen
Tod Waters
Brian Thompson
James Cox
Paul “Coy” Allen
John Lodgson
Craig Ross, Jr
Abdul-Malik Abbott
Kenneth DeBacker
Stefano Moro
They produce music for all kinds of artists what ever the genre of music.
Examples of some of the Music videos they’ve produced are:
Lumidee – Dance (created for fifa world cup 2006)
T.A.T.U – all about us
- Friend or foe
- Dangerous and moving
- Show me love
Trick Trick FT Eminem – welcome to Detroit
Def Lepard – now matter what
Alice Deejay- better off alone
Bloodhound gang – the great white dope
And many more including films, adverts and adverts.
Tween pop is a subgenre created and marketed towards teenagers and preadolescents covering a mixture of genres. The first tween pop groups started in the late 80's early 90's with bands like new kids on the block, take that and the spice girls. In 1999 we saw teenagers like Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Jessica Simpson and Avril Lavigne emerge and become branded 'pop lolita's'. However, it hasn't been until recently that the disney channel's influence has made Tween pop bigger than ever with young girls. Starting with the stars from the disney channels' high school musical and programmes like Hannah Montanna they have created stars like Miley Cyrus, Vanessa Hudgens, selena gomez and the jonas brothers. This has created a huge market with numerous artists now targeting the tween pop culture.
After we had decided on the genre of music we would like to use we looked at similar artists and analysed their music videos. Similar artists that we selected to analyse were taylor swift, Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff and Kelly Clarkson, the two that i analysed were Taylor swift and Miley Cyrus.
Taylor swift-You belong with me
This video represents a typical female tween pop singer with a target audience of young girls. The video tells a story but also shows off the singer and her personality so the audience can start to understand her more. She is first shown as the stereotypical nerd at her school, always studying. She’s wearing glasses and looks like she puts little effort into her appearance wearing casual scruffy baggy and uncoordinated clothes, like worn jeans and dark colours with old trainers. She is also shown in marching band/majorette uniform. This isn’t showing her as much of an idol to her audience. Whereas her love interest’s current girlfriend is shown as the typical popular girl. She has perfectly combed hair and make up and is a lot more lady like. She looks more like the girl that all the boys would want will want, especially with her own convertible car. Taylor Swift’s Love interest is a good looking young boy and looks like a nice guy and would appeal to Taylor’s target audience himself. It makes him look too good for Taylor Swift. At the end of the video she changes as the pace of the music slows down and begins to speed up again. She then changes from a nerd, to becoming centre of attention in a long ball gown and long blonde hair and gets the boy she wants. This makes her look like an icon to her all of target audience. We could look at Taylor Swift’s appearance changing throughout the video when making our film video.
The video is set in a typical American neighbourhood, we can tell this as the first shot is an establishing shot, making it seem realistic to the target audience. It shows the relationship between the characters from the start, showing the distance in different houses, using an over the shoulder shots.
Over the shoulder shots are used frequently throughout the video to display the characters relationships and reactions, this works well in love stories, so we should consider this when making our music video. We see them gradually become closer as the story progresses. Throughout the video they edit the shot by using cross-fade; this is where a shot fades into another, this changes with the pace of the song on the video.
The shot that is used mostly in this video is the mid-shot. This is used to show relationships with two characters which are perfect for this music video. Another shot that is used and works well in this video is the reaction cut to show characters responses to the scenario especially when Taylor Swift sees her love interest with his girlfriend. This would be good to use in our music video to show all the different characters point of view. An important shot that they use is at the end is the close up which shows the audience two characters getting together at the end, this would be something that we need to use in our music video. They use realistic settings throughout the whole of the video in and around an American neighbourhood, indicating that it was primarily targeting an American audience and then move out worldwide. This is so that the young female audience in America can relate to the video fans from other countries can get an idea of the typical American teenager. Settings that indicate it is set in America is the style of houses and that there is the stereotypical popular couple and inferior characters around them. Taylors crush is a stereotypical ‘jock’ that plays American football and his girlfriend is a cheerleader, where as Taylor swift is portrayed as a stereotypical ‘band geek’ at an American football game. This setting is generally the impression given to the same target audience in other countries about the American school life, which can also be seen in films such as high school musical and camp rock. These are typical representations of mainstream America. Throughout the Music video the colours that are mostly used are different shades of blue and low key lighting, to go with the dark moods and Taylor’s heartbreak. However in most of the scenes there is high key lighting used when showing Taylor Swift and low key used on the other characters. This is to highlight that she is the main character, showing her going through the story. The last part of the music video is set at the school prom, where everybody is dressed formally and Taylor Swift arrives and the high key, bright lighting turns to her, whilst the rest of the cast are shown in blue, low key lighting. By using the colour blue they are juxtaposing the mood as blue colours are used usually for sad, depressing shots, where as here they are using it in a happy ending. This could be because of the subversive behaviour shown by both characters.
This video represents a typical female tween pop singer with a target audience of young girls. The video tells a story but also shows off the singer and her personality so the audience can start to understand her more. She is first shown as the stereotypical nerd at her school, always studying. She’s wearing glasses and looks like she puts little effort into her appearance wearing casual scruffy baggy and uncoordinated clothes, like worn jeans and dark colours with old trainers. She is also shown in marching band/majorette uniform. This isn’t showing her as much of an idol to her audience. Whereas her love interest’s current girlfriend is shown as the typical popular girl. She has perfectly combed hair and make up and is a lot more lady like. She looks more like the girl that all the boys would want will want, especially with her own convertible car. Taylor Swift’s Love interest is a good looking young boy and looks like a nice guy and would appeal to Taylor’s target audience himself. It makes him look too good for Taylor Swift. At the end of the video she changes as the pace of the music slows down and begins to speed up again. She then changes from a nerd, to becoming centre of attention in a long ball gown and long blonde hair and gets the boy she wants. This makes her look like an icon to her all of target audience. We could look at Taylor Swift’s appearance changing throughout the video when making our film video.
The video is set in a typical American neighbourhood, we can tell this as the first shot is an establishing shot, making it seem realistic to the target audience. It shows the relationship between the characters from the start, showing the distance in different houses, using an over the shoulder shots.
Over the shoulder shots are used frequently throughout the video to display the characters relationships and reactions, this works well in love stories, so we should consider this when making our music video. We see them gradually become closer as the story progresses. Throughout the video they edit the shot by using cross-fade; this is where a shot fades into another, this changes with the pace of the song on the video.
The shot that is used mostly in this video is the mid-shot. This is used to show relationships with two characters which are perfect for this music video. Another shot that is used and works well in this video is the reaction cut to show characters responses to the scenario especially when Taylor Swift sees her love interest with his girlfriend. This would be good to use in our music video to show all the different characters point of view. An important shot that they use is at the end is the close up which shows the audience two characters getting together at the end, this would be something that we need to use in our music video. They use realistic settings throughout the whole of the video in and around an American neighbourhood, indicating that it was primarily targeting an American audience and then move out worldwide. This is so that the young female audience in America can relate to the video fans from other countries can get an idea of the typical American teenager. Settings that indicate it is set in America is the style of houses and that there is the stereotypical popular couple and inferior characters around them. Taylors crush is a stereotypical ‘jock’ that plays American football and his girlfriend is a cheerleader, where as Taylor swift is portrayed as a stereotypical ‘band geek’ at an American football game. This setting is generally the impression given to the same target audience in other countries about the American school life, which can also be seen in films such as high school musical and camp rock. These are typical representations of mainstream America. Throughout the Music video the colours that are mostly used are different shades of blue and low key lighting, to go with the dark moods and Taylor’s heartbreak. However in most of the scenes there is high key lighting used when showing Taylor Swift and low key used on the other characters. This is to highlight that she is the main character, showing her going through the story. The last part of the music video is set at the school prom, where everybody is dressed formally and Taylor Swift arrives and the high key, bright lighting turns to her, whilst the rest of the cast are shown in blue, low key lighting. By using the colour blue they are juxtaposing the mood as blue colours are used usually for sad, depressing shots, where as here they are using it in a happy ending. This could be because of the subversive behaviour shown by both characters.
Miley Cyrus- 7 Things I hate about you
In this video they are concentrating more on exploiting the artist and target audience, where as in the last video it is purely to show the story behind the song. Although both songs are about boys but this video and song are in a different context. In the first video she is singing about a boy that she loves but they can’t be together where as in this video the artist and other characters in the video are heartbroken, this is similar to Kelly Clarkson’s video. The artists in both videos contrast each other showing that they have different personalities as Taylor swift is shown as the sweet innocent character in her story and Miley Cyrus is represented as a fiery individual, acting rebellious. Miley Cyrus and the other characters in the video all wear odd combinations of clothing giving a statement to their audience that they are individual, the fans could be influenced by this so they need to be careful how they are represented in the video. So even though both artists are targeting the same audience they give a different outlook.
On the other hand Miley Cyrus gives a similar impression to Kelly Clarkson in the third video both showing an attitude and using a fast paced cutting rate. However in Miley Cyrus’ video the cutting rate is more with the pace of the song than in Kelly Clarkson’s video. Both Miley Cyrus and Kelly Clarkson use others lip syncing in their videos. Unlike Kelly Clarkson, Miley Cyrus represents her target audience in her video, identifying her as one of them meaning that they can relate to the artist, song and video.
Alike Taylor Swift’s video mid-shots and close ups are used most in this video to display emotion on the artists and characters faces and the body language that they use. By the artist constantly looking directly into the camera she is communicating with her audience which is vital in a music video as they need to grab their attention immediately making it feel personal to the viewer. I have identified that all of the videos we have analysed mainly use mid-shots and close ups so it is important that we use them when making our music video.
Long shots are used when showing her band and others in her video, showing everybody involved. It also shows Miley Cyrus with all of the girls proving to the fans that she is just like anybody in the target audience and is friendly towards fans. The way that the band is always in the background establishes that she is the lead singer as well as trying to promote her band by putting them in the background at all times.
The setting is a plain grey artificial set; this is used to throw the attention onto the characters and display the emotions on the characters faces. Using a dull, grey set makes it look emotionless and depressing representing her heartbreak. In the Taylor Swift’s video they use a lot of blue colours which are also seen as sad, depressing colours, so there is a pattern there that we need to highlight in our video. The grey setting also makes the characters and the bright clothes stand out so that they can make more of a statement. You can see that they have used high key lighting here creating shadows which generates movement. The brightness of the lighting changes throughout the video, it gradually gets brighter as the song goes on to sound a more upbeat and becomes brightest when she announces that she loves the boy. This shows a similarity to Taylor Swifts as she is glowing at the end of her video when she gets the boy that she wanted. Both videos have a happier outcome and you can see this as the pace of each of them slow down and become much calmer.
The typical things that we found were that they were all singing about somebody they love or have loved. There are two styles of video one is giving the song a storyline and the other is of the artist singing in a set using others. Most of the shots used were close ups or mid-shots andgenerally a fast cutting rate so it is vital that we use these more frequently. However i also discovered that when the artist gets her loved one the cutting rate slows down which we will need to look at. Lighting we need to use is either natural looking or high key with it changing to lower key towards the end. We need to be careful how our artist is represented as the specific target audience may be easily influenced. At the same time we need to create a personality so that the artist seems individual and is dressed fashionably.
After looking at other videos i decided to carry out my own research by holding a focus group with 3 girls from the potential target audience.
Olivia aged 13,
Emily aged 16,
Kelly aged 16.
Whose preferred genre is Tween pop music.
Watch these two Tween pop music videos.
Taylor Swift - You belong with me
Miley Cyrus - 7 things I hate about you
Out of the two videos which do you prefer?
Olivia: Taylor Swift – you belong with me.
Emily: Taylor Swift – you belong with me.
Kelly: Miley Cyrus – 7 things I hate about you.
What do you like about this video?
Olivia: It’s a love story where Taylor gets the boy in the end. It’s like a short version of most of the films I watch where the geeky girl fancies the most popular boy in school and a jock but thinks she’ll never get him because he has a girlfriend who’s a cheerleader and is the most popular girl in school and thinks she can never get him. Then there is a happy ending where she changes and turns up looking pretty and shocks everyone, she finds out he really likes her and they end up together. So I love it. Oh and Taylor swift looks funny as a geek.
Emily: Yes I like that it’s telling a story too and how it’s set in an American high school. Also the boy in it is called Lucas Till and plays Miley Cyrus’ boyfriend in the Hannah Montanna movie and he’s really good looking. I love Taylor swift too and when she turns up at prom completely different.
Kelly: I prefer Miley Cyrus’ video because I like the song better and I like Miley Cyrus more anyway. The best thing about the video is that when the song gets faster Miley and all the others go mad singing at their boyfriends or probably ex-boyfriends.
What is it that makes you like the other video the least?
Olivia: I like Miley Cyrus and the song but the video’s boring it’s just a group of girls in a room singing and crying.
Emily: I think the same, I like the song but the video isn’t much to watch bits of it looks quite depressing. Taylor’s video is something different whereas loads of artists have music videos like Miley Cyrus’.
Kelly: I actually don’t know why I like it the least. It’s probably because I prefer Miley Cyrus’ music to Taylor Swifts, so I can’t really think of any other reasons why else I like it the least
How do you think the artists are represented (how they look) in the videos?
Olivia: Well Taylor Swift is meant to be a geek but she doesn’t actually seem like one she’s just wearing glasses.
Kelly: Yes you see where she’s dancing round her room; I do that all the time.
Olivia: Ha and me
Emily: Yes and me. She doesn’t look much like a geek she just looks fun and friendly making the popular girl look like a snob.
Olivia: Yes and when she turns up at prom in that lovely dress and it just makes her look even better.
Kelly: What we’re saying is if the video is meant to make her look like a reject it doesn’t it just makes her look better.
Emily: Exactly and then Miley Cyrus looks depressed and upset so we all feel sorry for her.
Kelly: Yes she looks depressed and upset and then a bit mental when she’s jumping round with all the other girls.
Emily: She looks alright though because if we did that we’d all look stupid especially in what she’s wearing.
Kelly: I know yeah she always wears weird clothes.
Do you that think that both of the songs suit their videos?
Emily: Yes they do if you listen to the words in you belong with me they sing what the video is doing.
Olivia: Like when she walks in the room and it goes slower and gets faster when he sees her.
Kelly: I like that bit. Miley’s video suits hers too because in the chorus when it’s fast their all jumping around and then when it’s slow their all standing their singing upset.
Olivia: Yes and some of the girls have stuff from their boyfriends I think one has a teddy or something.
Does this video make you want to purchase the song?
Olivia: Yes I’ve got both of their albums.
Emily: Me too I think I got it just after this song and video came out.
Kelly: I’ve got Miley Cyrus’ album not Taylor swift. It’s not her videos that made me buy it anyway I just like her music
Where/how would you purchase this song?
Olivia: I got my album on it’s the cheapest but all the other songs I have I just download.
Emily: I downloaded the album off ITunes but I rarely ever buy music I normally listen to the videos on YouTube.
Kelly: I brought the album on but I don’t really buy music either i just listen to the songs on YouTube.
So from this feedback from the audience I have discovered that the most influential video that we could create would be a video with a love story as two of the three said that they purchased a song because of the video. We also give our artist a good representation as they picked up on the fact that although Taylor was supposed to be a 'geek' she was still portrayed as the better person. The video should be something that the audience can relate to as all three of the girls said that they could relate to parts of Taylor Swift's video. Having a love interest is also very important as the girls even recognized the boy in Taylor Swift's video from the Hannah Montanna movie.
Comparing my focus group with our questionairre I've done some research into our potential audeience.
The results in our questionnaire presented that our target audience mainly listen to teen pop through watching the music channels on the Television. Channels like starz TV, smash hits and the box and chart hits are the channels that play teen pop more than any of the other channels in England.
Starz TV formerly known as Fizz TV are owned by Mushroom TV ltd who also own channel aka. Starz TV plays a wide range of music but is one of the channels that play teen pop more frequently than others. Teen pop also gets a lot of coverage on ‘The Box’ which is one of the biggest music channels in the UK, half owned by channel 4 and the other half owned by Bauer Verlagsgruppe. Even though ‘The Box’ and Starz TV play a lot of teen pop, Smash hits generally play more teen pop as it is devoted to pop music. Smash hits is owned by Box television and comes from smash hits magazine. When we asked a sample of our target audience we found that Smash Hits was the music channel that they most listened to, and MTV wasn’t far behind.
MTV is a globalised music channel. Teen pop is extremely famous amongst young American girls so it gets regular coverage and there is high demand for teen pop artists like Miley Cyrus, Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, selena Gomez and so on. An artist similar to ours is Miley Cyrus who is often filming personal shows for MTV like Miley’s sweet sixteenth so our target audience will tune in to MTV. Another globalised channel that introduces teen pop stars is the Disney channel; they also produce videos for Miley Cyrus and other artists like Vanessa Hudgens. So we will also need to consider the type of audience watching the Disney Channel when making our video.
Our target audience also mentioned that they listen to teen pop on YouTube for free. The record companies, artists and producers are all happy with this because they get masses of people watching the video and are aware of the artists. With the divergence of technologies the videos aren’t only on the TV. Using an I phone, our audience are able to download videos on the go with iTunes and also watch them whenever they want on YouTube. They can also use the iPod touch to download the music and videos from their computer to watch whenever as well. So our audience always have access to the music they want to listen to and can listen to it whenever they want. Few people still buy CD’s of the artist’s as most of the music is exclusive, however some of the artists bring out albums out but little people buy CD’s because there are other free ways of listening to the music.
Whilst i conducted my focus group Holly was handing out a questionnaire to see what a large sampl of our target audience would want to see in a tween pop music video.
Following this i did some research into record producers of similar artists.
Founded by Scott Borchetta in September 2005, Independant Label Big Machine Records have a catalogue of country and western artists. In their first year they had a number one single, five places in the country 30, recieved a nomination for record label of the year and placed all three of the label's three new artist releases in the Top 10 Most-Played New Artists of 2006.
Even though Big Machine's artists specialise in the country and western genre their signature artist is Taylor Swift who is a Tween pop icon. Her album has one numerous awards including 2009’s highest-selling album of the year across all genres as well as spening more weeks at number one top the Billboard Top Album chart than any other album in the last 10 years. Her singles 'love story and 'You belong with me' became the first ever Country crossover single to hit #1 on the Billboard and USA Today Top 40 airplay charts.
Other than Taylor Swift their catalogue includes Reba McEntire, Jewel, Trisha Yearwood, Jack Ingram, Jimmy Wayne, Billboard’s “New Country Artist of 2009” Justin Moore, Steel Magnolia, The Band Perry, Fast Ryde and Sunny Sweeney collecting Big machine records 35 awards between them.
Recently in 2009 Big Machine partnered with Universal Republic to create Republic Nashville but still manage to be a small but powerful record company.
Hollywood Records was created in 1989 by the Walt Disney Company to develop new pop and rock artists and diversify its music group. Initially the label was distributed by Elektra Records in the USA and Canada which later changed to Distribution in North America switching to PolyGram in 1995 that has since been taken over by the Universal Music Group.
Their roster include artists like Duran Duran, Queen and Danzig. However, toady Hollywood records operates under the disney music group so their artists are mainly young stars and performers for the disney channel like Miley Cyrus, Selena Gomez, The Jonas Brothers and Demi Lovato. Their artist to sell most of the label was the tween pop star Hilary duff with 16.5 million and 5 million of her album metamorphosis.
Alternatively, in Europe and the UK Hollywood Records currently releases acts such as Jesse McCartney, Vanessa Hudgens, Corbin Bleu, Aly & AJ as well as soundtracks through EMI, but all other artists are distributed through Festival Mushroom Records & Warner Brothers Records.
For both of these record labels Tween pop artists have sold the most labels and albums, with Hollywood records now having more of the Tween pop artists than anybody else. This shows that it is becoming and increasingly popular genre of music.
Finally before i create my own music video i have done some research into other music video producing companies. It was hard to find information on music video producers so i had to resort to general music video producers.
Anonymous content is an industry leading music production and Management Company established in 1999. The owner is Steve Golin, with Shiera Rees-Davies executive producer and molly Bohas directors Rep. They have built relationships with talent, talent agencies, advertising agencies, broadcasters, international distributors being able to create projects like music videos, films, adverts and television shows. They have many talented and award winning Directors to produce their music videos:
Sean Donnelly
Andrew Douglas
David Kellogg
Daniel Levi
Phil Mucci
Jake Nava
Mark Romanek
Malcolm Venville
And the feature directors are:
Scott Coffey
David Fincher
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
John Hillcoat
Garth Jennings
Wong Kar-Wai
Guy Ritchie
David Slade
Gore Verbinski
These directors have worked with artists such as Beck, Beyonce, Coldplay, Janet Jackson, Lenny Kravitz, Madonna, Pink, Prince, Red Hot Chilli peppers, REM, Rolling Stones, Shakira, and U2. Samples of music videos they have created are:
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - Hump de bump
Lighthouse family – run
Plan B – no good
Beyonce – Single ladies
Nine Inch Nails – only
Muse – time is running out
Madonna – What it feels like for a girl
Beck – Hell yes
The company was founded by Grant Cihlar in 1989 in Hollywood, California as a music video production house and then grew into a creative boutique producing some highly customized products. As well as music video’s they’ve created adverts and other promotional materials, as well as being in the independent feature film and documentary markets. The have a domestic and international service being able to provide globally.
Grant Cihlar started as a guitarist himself as a guitarist for Tim Scott on Geffen records and managed a lot of bands himself across the world producing music videos. This was where he met his wife with a design background and an eye for detail playing an important part in the business to make sure 1171 can keep their cutting edge content in music videos, adverts, film and television.
Their directors include
In America:
Paul Andersen
Tod Waters
Brian Thompson
James Cox
Paul “Coy” Allen
John Lodgson
Craig Ross, Jr
Abdul-Malik Abbott
Kenneth DeBacker
Stefano Moro
They produce music for all kinds of artists what ever the genre of music.
Examples of some of the Music videos they’ve produced are:
Lumidee – Dance (created for fifa world cup 2006)
T.A.T.U – all about us
- Friend or foe
- Dangerous and moving
- Show me love
Trick Trick FT Eminem – welcome to Detroit
Def Lepard – now matter what
Alice Deejay- better off alone
Bloodhound gang – the great white dope
And many more including films, adverts and adverts.
Tuesday, 3 November 2009
Now that we know the forms and conventions of Tween pop music videos and what our potential audience would like to see in our music video we continued to look for a song to use.
The song we have chosen is Katy perry's - one of the boys but create our own artist whom we would call 'Norah Lane'. We chose this song because we believe that it will be a good song to create a story line which our target audience may be able to relate to. We emailed EMI asking them if we could use 'one of the boys' for our music video, however, we didnt hear back from them so we assumed that it was ok to carry it. After coming up with a name and a genre of music I created a personality for the artist to fit the genre of music, making the artist very americanised.
We have created a storyline for our music videos to fit the words of the song Katy Perry's song One Of The Boys.
One Of The Boys
Do do do
do do do do do
do do do
I saw a spider
I didn't scream
Cause I can belch the alpahbet
just double dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
and I'd take these suckers down
cause they just get in my way.
The way you look at me
is kind of like a little sister.
Not like a good vice
and it leaves me nothing but blisters.
so I don't wanna be
one of the boy-y-y-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
one of the girls
pretty in pearls
not one of the boys.
so over the summer something changed.
I started reading seventeen
and shaving my legs.
and I studied aveda religiously
and I walked right into school
and caught you staring at me.
I don't want you no
but now you're going to have to take a number
It's okay, maybe one day
but not until you give me my diamond ring.
I don't want to be
one of the boy-oy-oy-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
your homecoming queen
their poster dream
not one of the boys
I wanna be a flower not a dirty ring
I wanna smell like roses, not a baseball team.
And I swear maybe one day, you're gunna wanna
make out, make out, make out with me.
don't wanna be, don't wanna be, don't wanna be,
cause I don't wanna be, one of the boy-y-y-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
one of the girls
pretty in pearls
not one of the boys.
do do do
do do do do
do do do
do do do do
do do do
A summary of the story that we have created is that Norah Lane is a 'tomboy' at school and is seen as a social outcast who people look down on. However, there is one boy called Kurt who sees her as a really good friend and they spend a lot of time together playing sports. What Kurt doesn't know is that Norah Secretly loves him but believes that he likes the popular girl Cady because they always seem to be flirting with each other. So one day she goes home and gives herself a complete make over to prove to Kurt that she can look as good as the popular girl. The next day she arrives into school looking girly, getting the attention from all of the boys and shocking the popular girl. She then walks straight up to Kurt who looks stunned and Norah finds that he does really like her and they get together.
Now we have the idea I have devised a technical storyboard of the shots that we should use following all of the research I have carried out.
The locations that i will be using for this are
Unfortunately our school doesn’t look as modern as they do in the Tween pop music videos, so this is the best part of the building we can use as an introduction. The problem is that there are a lot of cars around blocking the full view of the school when we’re filming. Again risks with filming here is that there are cars passing by that we need to watch and we could get in peoples way whilst filming and cause accidents.
This is the best location that we can use to set the scene with an establishing shot of the school drive and to introduce the ‘popular girl’ Cady. However, the risk of using this location is with using the car and other cars passing by, so we need to be careful with how the actor drives the car and watching out for people around when using the equipment around the area. We need to do it at a time where we won’t be causing any disruption to anybody around the school.
This is a good location for the audience to be able to see Norah close up for the first time, as it is a tight squeeze we can show the popular girl barge past and her attitude towards her. Risks here are that in between lessons it gets very busy so if we are caught out filming at this time we could get in the way and cause accidents with wires around.
This is the perfect location to film scenes using the entire cast as this is the type of place you would see everybody at school and watch people’s attitudes towards Norah before and after her transformation into a girly girl. There is a lot of natural light which is used in Tween pop videos and it looks very spacious and modern. The risk here is that there are a lot of people around and they can trip on wires and equipment can get damaged. We are also filming a scene where one of the characters bumps into Norah so we need to be careful that people aren’t hurt in the process.
Although it isn’t realistic for an Americanised setting we can use the school playground to show Norah and Kurt’s relationship as friends. We need to take note of the weather whilst filming as we will need to have continuity in the weather if we film on different days. Risks here are just general trips whilst kicking the ball and being aware of others using the playground at the time.
I’m going to use my room as Norah Lane’s room as it’s neutral and could be used for a tomboy. If we film in the day there is a good natural light to use and is very spacious. There aren’t many risks but we just need to be careful about tripping over wires as there isn’t as much space as in school.
For our artificial set we are going to use the school hall with the black emotionless backdrop. We are going to decorate the steps that you can see in the image taking the focus off the emotionless background and onto Norah singing directly to the audience. We will use high-key lighting again focusing on Norah only. Here we need to be careful about Norah on the steps just incase she slips.
I also needed to arrange the actors to use in our music video
Our main character is Norah Lane. We've chose somebody who would look realistic as both a tomboy and after the transformation looking girly. We will have to style the actor so that she is seen as somebody a young fan base can look up to as a role model.
We gave our target audience a selection of love interests for Norah and this is the actor that was most popular as he has darker hair. As Norah's love interest he will have to be sporty and in scruffier clothes to suit Norah's image.
The popular girl that we are using will have to look more feminine than Norah and always look presentable. we found this actor suitable as they have long blonde hair and wear quite a lot of make up.
We also need extras for our film as the characters friends or to make the scene look more natural. Therefore we have just chosen a range of people who would be good as extras for our film, here are a few,
The software that we will be using to edit our music video is adobe premiere pro. This is because it is the only software that we have access to at our sixth form. On the other hand it is very straight forward to use and is used by lower end semi-professionals as it is a non linear editing software.
As i was doing this Holly was drawing up a storboard, making a production schedule and the treatment.
The song we have chosen is Katy perry's - one of the boys but create our own artist whom we would call 'Norah Lane'. We chose this song because we believe that it will be a good song to create a story line which our target audience may be able to relate to. We emailed EMI asking them if we could use 'one of the boys' for our music video, however, we didnt hear back from them so we assumed that it was ok to carry it. After coming up with a name and a genre of music I created a personality for the artist to fit the genre of music, making the artist very americanised.
Norah Lane
Norah Lane was born on the 18th of May 1991 in Birmingham, Alabama. Her parents David Lane and Sarah Lane always encouraged Norah and her two sisters Neveah and Layla into performing, as they believed they all had natural talents from a young age. She was lucky enough to attend Alabama school of fine arts, where at 16 she was scouted by Robert Cavallo the president of Hollywood records and the chairman of Buena Vista music group. She had her first number one single ‘misinterpreted’ when she was 17, closely followed by her album ‘adolescence’ being top of the charts for 6 weeks. She is now introducing her new album ‘voyage of a lifetime’ and producing a video for her new single ‘One of the boys’.
Norah is an all round musician as she can also play the guitar, the piano and the violin. In any spare time she has she enjoys having fun with her friends and family, partying and riding her horse Ace. Norah has a friendly and outgoing personality and is always trying to give a positive outlook to her fans. Norah’s style is individualistic she is always setting trends for her fans without being a bad influence to them. She now lives in Santa Monica and is still producing her music with Hollywood Records.
Norah Lane was born on the 18th of May 1991 in Birmingham, Alabama. Her parents David Lane and Sarah Lane always encouraged Norah and her two sisters Neveah and Layla into performing, as they believed they all had natural talents from a young age. She was lucky enough to attend Alabama school of fine arts, where at 16 she was scouted by Robert Cavallo the president of Hollywood records and the chairman of Buena Vista music group. She had her first number one single ‘misinterpreted’ when she was 17, closely followed by her album ‘adolescence’ being top of the charts for 6 weeks. She is now introducing her new album ‘voyage of a lifetime’ and producing a video for her new single ‘One of the boys’.
Norah is an all round musician as she can also play the guitar, the piano and the violin. In any spare time she has she enjoys having fun with her friends and family, partying and riding her horse Ace. Norah has a friendly and outgoing personality and is always trying to give a positive outlook to her fans. Norah’s style is individualistic she is always setting trends for her fans without being a bad influence to them. She now lives in Santa Monica and is still producing her music with Hollywood Records.
We have created a storyline for our music videos to fit the words of the song Katy Perry's song One Of The Boys.
One Of The Boys
Do do do
do do do do do
do do do
I saw a spider
I didn't scream
Cause I can belch the alpahbet
just double dog dare me
And I chose guitar over ballet
and I'd take these suckers down
cause they just get in my way.
The way you look at me
is kind of like a little sister.
Not like a good vice
and it leaves me nothing but blisters.
so I don't wanna be
one of the boy-y-y-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
one of the girls
pretty in pearls
not one of the boys.
so over the summer something changed.
I started reading seventeen
and shaving my legs.
and I studied aveda religiously
and I walked right into school
and caught you staring at me.
I don't want you no
but now you're going to have to take a number
It's okay, maybe one day
but not until you give me my diamond ring.
I don't want to be
one of the boy-oy-oy-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
your homecoming queen
their poster dream
not one of the boys
I wanna be a flower not a dirty ring
I wanna smell like roses, not a baseball team.
And I swear maybe one day, you're gunna wanna
make out, make out, make out with me.
don't wanna be, don't wanna be, don't wanna be,
cause I don't wanna be, one of the boy-y-y-oys
one of your guys
just give me a chance to prove to you tonight
that I just want to be
one of the girls
pretty in pearls
not one of the boys.
do do do
do do do do
do do do
do do do do
do do do
A summary of the story that we have created is that Norah Lane is a 'tomboy' at school and is seen as a social outcast who people look down on. However, there is one boy called Kurt who sees her as a really good friend and they spend a lot of time together playing sports. What Kurt doesn't know is that Norah Secretly loves him but believes that he likes the popular girl Cady because they always seem to be flirting with each other. So one day she goes home and gives herself a complete make over to prove to Kurt that she can look as good as the popular girl. The next day she arrives into school looking girly, getting the attention from all of the boys and shocking the popular girl. She then walks straight up to Kurt who looks stunned and Norah finds that he does really like her and they get together.
Now we have the idea I have devised a technical storyboard of the shots that we should use following all of the research I have carried out.
The locations that i will be using for this are
Unfortunately our school doesn’t look as modern as they do in the Tween pop music videos, so this is the best part of the building we can use as an introduction. The problem is that there are a lot of cars around blocking the full view of the school when we’re filming. Again risks with filming here is that there are cars passing by that we need to watch and we could get in peoples way whilst filming and cause accidents.
This is the best location that we can use to set the scene with an establishing shot of the school drive and to introduce the ‘popular girl’ Cady. However, the risk of using this location is with using the car and other cars passing by, so we need to be careful with how the actor drives the car and watching out for people around when using the equipment around the area. We need to do it at a time where we won’t be causing any disruption to anybody around the school.
This is a good location for the audience to be able to see Norah close up for the first time, as it is a tight squeeze we can show the popular girl barge past and her attitude towards her. Risks here are that in between lessons it gets very busy so if we are caught out filming at this time we could get in the way and cause accidents with wires around.
This is the perfect location to film scenes using the entire cast as this is the type of place you would see everybody at school and watch people’s attitudes towards Norah before and after her transformation into a girly girl. There is a lot of natural light which is used in Tween pop videos and it looks very spacious and modern. The risk here is that there are a lot of people around and they can trip on wires and equipment can get damaged. We are also filming a scene where one of the characters bumps into Norah so we need to be careful that people aren’t hurt in the process.
Although it isn’t realistic for an Americanised setting we can use the school playground to show Norah and Kurt’s relationship as friends. We need to take note of the weather whilst filming as we will need to have continuity in the weather if we film on different days. Risks here are just general trips whilst kicking the ball and being aware of others using the playground at the time.
I’m going to use my room as Norah Lane’s room as it’s neutral and could be used for a tomboy. If we film in the day there is a good natural light to use and is very spacious. There aren’t many risks but we just need to be careful about tripping over wires as there isn’t as much space as in school.
For our artificial set we are going to use the school hall with the black emotionless backdrop. We are going to decorate the steps that you can see in the image taking the focus off the emotionless background and onto Norah singing directly to the audience. We will use high-key lighting again focusing on Norah only. Here we need to be careful about Norah on the steps just incase she slips.
I also needed to arrange the actors to use in our music video
Our main character is Norah Lane. We've chose somebody who would look realistic as both a tomboy and after the transformation looking girly. We will have to style the actor so that she is seen as somebody a young fan base can look up to as a role model.
We gave our target audience a selection of love interests for Norah and this is the actor that was most popular as he has darker hair. As Norah's love interest he will have to be sporty and in scruffier clothes to suit Norah's image.
The popular girl that we are using will have to look more feminine than Norah and always look presentable. we found this actor suitable as they have long blonde hair and wear quite a lot of make up.
We also need extras for our film as the characters friends or to make the scene look more natural. Therefore we have just chosen a range of people who would be good as extras for our film, here are a few,
The software that we will be using to edit our music video is adobe premiere pro. This is because it is the only software that we have access to at our sixth form. On the other hand it is very straight forward to use and is used by lower end semi-professionals as it is a non linear editing software.
As i was doing this Holly was drawing up a storboard, making a production schedule and the treatment.
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